Finding a man is definitely an arduous task that I have been familiar with since a very young age. Job hunting, on the other hand, has proven to be even harder. Like finding a boyfriend, the common saying "you'll find one when you are not looking" seems to apply to employment as well.
Since I chose to follow my bliss, leaving law school to pursue a career in hospitality, I have found little satisfaction and no full time employment. Unlike relationships, which in my past was littered with possible back burner boyfriends always present prior to breaking it off with my current man...I have found myself high and dry in the job department with nothing serious waiting for my law school-drop out-ass.
I have found myself filling in the gaping holes of my bank account with babysitting jobs (changed my first dirty diaper), temp positions (the joys of working 1-3 days in a company you hate knowing its only temporary), and liquidating my one and only asset (poor Jimmy Jetta, you were my first car and my favorite blue boy on the road).
Upon reflection, one of the choices that brought me to my current state included the choice to pursue a legal career - an option that excused me from the uber competitive job search senior year of college. Quickly falling into a full time position with a family friend real estate attorney, the plan was unfolding with little effort on my part. That is, until I was overcome with boredom and the realization that I did NOT want to be a secretary the rest of my life.
Fade shot to my acceptance into a second tier local school, complete with Dean's List scholarship and an unbearable pressure to attend. My indifference lead me to complete a full semester with lackluster grades and a loss of scholarship funds. This was the turning point; leading me straight into the front lines of unemployment and financial anxieties. Exactly what I was hoping to avoid back in college, but now I realize that it was something that I wanted so bad I couldn't bear the pressure of disappointment if my dream job was snagged by the fellow Hotelie sitting next to me at the various rounds of job interviews.
Fast forward to today's impersonal method of hiring new employees via websites and standard questionnaires which dump hundreds or thousands (if not hundreds of thousands) of faceless applicants into some HR rep's inbox for them to filter through at the pace of slug, unaware or uncaring of the desperation at the other end.
More to come...have to check my daily job post board and tweak my Cover Letter (surpassed the 30+ mark just this week) to match whatever new listing has gloriously appeared to grab my attention. Wish me luck!
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