Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Guess who's back?

Back again...guess who's back? Tell a friend!

It seems that I have been away far too long from my dating blog. But to be honest, there has been absolutely no content to blab - I mean blog - about. After things dissolved with my Bachelor #2 (the attorney for those who have lost track) and nothing ever evolved with Swedish boy, I decided to lay low for a while. And all it takes is to put my mind to something and there you go - nothing happened.

Well, I've decided I'm bored again and if Carrie Bradshaw can do it in the City and Hillary Duff can do it in her own ABC Family made for tv movie - why can't I? I will, however be taking a different approach for a while and hold off on reapplying for online bachelorette status on eharmony again for several reasons.
1. I have no money.
2. Everyone seems to find a great guy when they are least expecting, let alone trolling for matches forcibly and quite time consuming.
3. It didn't really work out great that last time.

Pretty much in line with the fact I haven't been dating, I've been watching plenty of television and have been swept away and inspired by certain reality shows like the Millionaire Matchmaker: playing by certain rules; The Biggest Loser: I could stand to be healthier aka diet time; and Sixteen & Pregnant: hell no I don't want a baby or to be poor (sorry but honestly, those people are uber trash-tastic). My new goals will consist of
1. Loving myself so much, no guy could help but love me too.
2. Forcing myself to follow certain rules such as "no sex before monogamy" and a three drink minimum on all dates.
3. Save money; if this whole thing doesn't work out, I can always support myself and hire male escorts.
4. Keep friends close; it seems that no matter how quickly the men come and go in my life - there's always a great gal pal to confide in, wing man for me, or just forget about everything with.

Well, that's all for now folks...stay tuned and I'll keep you posted (all pun intended)!

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