Wednesday, October 24, 2012

I'm Going to Wash That Man Right Outta My Hair... Sometimes you've just got to cleanse.... If a man don't understand you, If you fly on separate beams, Waste no time, make a change, Ride that man right off your range. Rub him out of the roll call And drum him out of your dreams. Oho! If you laugh at different comics, If you root for different teams, Waste no time, weep no more, Show him what the door is for. You can't light a fire when the woods are wet, You can't make a butterfly strong, You can't fix an egg when it ain't quite good, And you can't fix a man when he's wrong! If his eyes get dull and fishy, When you look for glints and gleams, Waste no time, Make a switch, Drop him in the nearest ditch! Rub him out of the roll call, And drum him out of your dreams Oho! Oho!

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Juggling Social Life with Relationships

Recently I've been grappling with the familiar struggle some find when involved in a serious relationship - that guilty feeling of choosing your relationship over socialization. In my current life, as my relationship is now with job-searching and near bankruptcy; I find it very difficult to balance my social life while maintaining a serious devotion to my employment search and budgeting my expenses.

Opting to take every opportunity to babysit for the fast cash, I frequently miss out on the "best parties ever" and am ostracized with claims of flakiness. I know it is important to maintain the balance, but am stressed out at the times when I wake up the morning after a raging night of debauchery out of cash, hung over, and useless in terms of productivity. I want to keep my friends close in these hard times of uncertainty for support, and for celebration when I finally land the dream job; not to mention my fear of burning bridges (or perhaps letting them deteriorate due to lack of maintenance).

I've seen too many friends fall victim to this fate due to their commitment to their new/old significant other; and find it hard to settle back in to the old routine once they come to their senses (or get dumped or married). I hope to soon find a solution to this dilemma and quell one of the many fears and anxieties suffocating me in this time of unemployment. Wish me luck!

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Interviews = First Date Syndrome

You know that feeling you get after a first date?

Will he call? Does he like me? Why did I say those things? Are there other girls? Did I seem too desperate?

All those insecurities rush over me post-interview as well. Nothing to do but wait. And scrutinize every little detail. The whole process is exhausting. All I want to do is settle down with a nice, stable job; is that too much to ask? I'm a great catch, and available, what's there to decide?

The only thing I can do at this point is stay positive, know that whatever happens is the right thing, and have faith that everything will work out in the end.

Friday, March 18, 2011

Rejection sucks in every form

The analogy from my previous post follows quite nicely also in terms of rejection. I thought things were going well, we were getting on great, I had already pictured what my future would be like with them...Then I get rejected.

The nerve! I hate them! They don't know what they're missing out on!

Boyfriend or job; losing either simply sucks. But if there is no rejection, there is no growth. I have to believe that everything happens for a reason, and today with yet another job rejection I can only hope that it is to make room for the perfect job coming soon. The One. :)

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Hunting for Jobs; Men on Hold

Finding a man is definitely an arduous task that I have been familiar with since a very young age. Job hunting, on the other hand, has proven to be even harder. Like finding a boyfriend, the common saying "you'll find one when you are not looking" seems to apply to employment as well.

Since I chose to follow my bliss, leaving law school to pursue a career in hospitality, I have found little satisfaction and no full time employment. Unlike relationships, which in my past was littered with possible back burner boyfriends always present prior to breaking it off with my current man...I have found myself high and dry in the job department with nothing serious waiting for my law school-drop out-ass.

I have found myself filling in the gaping holes of my bank account with babysitting jobs (changed my first dirty diaper), temp positions (the joys of working 1-3 days in a company you hate knowing its only temporary), and liquidating my one and only asset (poor Jimmy Jetta, you were my first car and my favorite blue boy on the road).
Upon reflection, one of the choices that brought me to my current state included the choice to pursue a legal career - an option that excused me from the uber competitive job search senior year of college. Quickly falling into a full time position with a family friend real estate attorney, the plan was unfolding with little effort on my part. That is, until I was overcome with boredom and the realization that I did NOT want to be a secretary the rest of my life.

Fade shot to my acceptance into a second tier local school, complete with Dean's List scholarship and an unbearable pressure to attend. My indifference lead me to complete a full semester with lackluster grades and a loss of scholarship funds. This was the turning point; leading me straight into the front lines of unemployment and financial anxieties. Exactly what I was hoping to avoid back in college, but now I realize that it was something that I wanted so bad I couldn't bear the pressure of disappointment if my dream job was snagged by the fellow Hotelie sitting next to me at the various rounds of job interviews.

Fast forward to today's impersonal method of hiring new employees via websites and standard questionnaires which dump hundreds or thousands (if not hundreds of thousands) of faceless applicants into some HR rep's inbox for them to filter through at the pace of slug, unaware or uncaring of the desperation at the other end.

More to come...have to check my daily job post board and tweak my Cover Letter (surpassed the 30+ mark just this week) to match whatever new listing has gloriously appeared to grab my attention. Wish me luck!

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Instant gratification ?

Waiting doesn't come easy. Not in my generation. We don't want to wait for anything. Not only do we want everything - we want it now. No waiting, no struggle, no time passed by.
It's as if everything is passing us by and we are too busy looking for something to notice what's unfolding before us. There is only one speed of life; we don't control it, we're only passengers on this journey. No point in trying to control it, trying to slow it down or speed it up - that's not our call. All we can do is try to keep up and relish in the ride.
I digress from the point of this blog; perhaps I should change the title to something like "a date with destiny" - all it must have in store for me. People in our lives come and go, but the important ones stick around because they have a lasting purpose in our lives and we must embrace and utilize their talents and strengths for as long as we can.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Weight, Men, Money

My weight is exactly what I wouldn't admit in the second to last post.

Men. While I wish it was better than before, I have to admit there is only one man in my mind at this time. He's the one I think about when I read my new book ( ) you know, like an old school crush.

To be continued...