Sunday, April 3, 2011

Juggling Social Life with Relationships

Recently I've been grappling with the familiar struggle some find when involved in a serious relationship - that guilty feeling of choosing your relationship over socialization. In my current life, as my relationship is now with job-searching and near bankruptcy; I find it very difficult to balance my social life while maintaining a serious devotion to my employment search and budgeting my expenses.

Opting to take every opportunity to babysit for the fast cash, I frequently miss out on the "best parties ever" and am ostracized with claims of flakiness. I know it is important to maintain the balance, but am stressed out at the times when I wake up the morning after a raging night of debauchery out of cash, hung over, and useless in terms of productivity. I want to keep my friends close in these hard times of uncertainty for support, and for celebration when I finally land the dream job; not to mention my fear of burning bridges (or perhaps letting them deteriorate due to lack of maintenance).

I've seen too many friends fall victim to this fate due to their commitment to their new/old significant other; and find it hard to settle back in to the old routine once they come to their senses (or get dumped or married). I hope to soon find a solution to this dilemma and quell one of the many fears and anxieties suffocating me in this time of unemployment. Wish me luck!